AMI Marine APT Report Generator
Our Technical Team are always looking for ways to improve the experience of using the AMI equipment for engineers. One of our more recent creations is the APT Report Generator that comes with the AMI VDR Remote software.
This application allows engineers to quickly create an APT Report from extracted X2 and X-VDR system data. In this article we will highlight some of the key features of the Report Generator that will make your next APT more efficient.
During an APT with the X2 and X-VDR models, you are required to extract data and review it to investigate and analyse the data. Using the Remote software you select specific files of data that are arranged by date and time, then you extract the data.
Once imported you will be presented with the Vessel Details screen showing the vessel information, VDR software information and serial numbers of the units installed.
The other tabs of the VDR Remote software can show Audio waveforms, Radar and ECDIS images captured and the recorded NMEA and AIS data and status of the signals.
Once the data is analysed and dates and notes added to the App, you can export the report to either HTML or to Pdf. These are created and populated with the information inputted and the data collected.
The Pdf report provides a clear overview of the system data, specifications and notes collected during your system analysis. If it displayed over 8 pages and can be edited further before printing it off for final sign off by the ship’s staff.
The HTML report shows all the system details, battery and capsule expiry dates and also allows for sample data playback of the audio data.
There are many other features with the Remote and Replay software from AMI Marine. To find out more and to download the latest version of software for free, visit our Page AMI Downloads, Replay and Remote.
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