Lifting Covid restrictions in the UK
We would like to take a moment to address the government’s lifting of COVID restrictions here in the UK.
At AMI Marine head office, we will continue to follow the NHS guidance on social distancing wherever possible. Our priority must be to the health and safety of our staff.
Currently, in the UK we have an NHS app that alerts people who have been near an infected person. This ’Pingdemic’, as it has now been named, means that there is an increase in staff absences due to quarantining.
To keep our staff levels at full capacity we will continue to provide masks, surface wipes/spray and hand sanitiser to all staff and visitors in the office. We will also be encouraging the hands, face, and space guidelines.
We are doing all that we can to ensure a safe working environment for all our team and visitors whilst remaining open for business.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with a member of our team +44(0)2380 480 450 or [email protected]
If you are planning on visiting our premises, could you please book your visit in advance.
Thank you
AMI Marine
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