AMI Marine Training Satisfaction Survey Name(Required) First Last Company NameEmail(Required) 1. How would you rate the quality of the training? 5 (very satisfied) 4 (somewhat satisfied) 3 (Satisfied) 2 (somewhat dissatisfied) 1 (very dissatisfied) * Please consider training documentation, the presentation materials' quality and the teaching's clarity.2. How would you rate our training team’s customer service? 5 (very satisfied) 4 (somewhat satisfied) 3 (Satisfied) 2 (somewhat dissatisfied) 1 (very dissatisfied) * Please consider AMI Team communication, product and technical support and ease of delivery.3. Do you wish to share any information about to your training with the AMI Team?4. We love product and training reviews! If you are willing, please provide us with a Product or training review.Do you require any further information or guidance? Technical - Get remote support and the latest documents for your systems. Sales - Receive the latest pricing and availability of equipment. Service - Locate an engineer for support and surveys. Training - Become an agent or renew your certification.