NP2.1-12 Lead Acid Battery X810 MEU
SKU: BAT-0012
NP2.1-12 Lead Acid Battery X810 MEU
- 12V, 2.1Ah
- Lead Acid Battery
- Used with X810 Main Electronics Unit
The NP2.1-12 is required to be changed at 3-year intervals to remain compliant.
View all BNWAS X810 spares HERE
Additional Information – MSC 86 legal background
A Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) has to be installed as follows:
- Ships of 150 gross tonnage and upwards and passenger ships irrespective of size constructed on or after 1st July 2011;
- Passenger ships, regardless of size constructed on 1st July 2011. Not later than the first survey after 1st July 2011;
- Ships of 3,000 gross tonnages and upwards constructed before 1st July 2011, Not later than the first survey after 1st July 2012;
- Ships of 500 gross tonnages and upwards but less than 3,000 gross tonnages constructed before 1st July 2011. Not later than the first survey after 1st July 2013;
- Vessels of 150 gross tonnages and upwards but less than 500 gross tonnages were constructed before 1st July 2011. Not later than the first survey after 1st July 2014;
By AMI Marine Limited