Our AMI Marine team attended the Fleet Transformation Event in London last week. AMI are looking to expand our Ship Management services and this event provided vast information for us.

AMI Company Director Martin Cox has written a brief overview of the event.


Getting IMO regulations to work for all flags, class societies and vessel operators is the ultimate challenge in today’s world of shipping.


Keeping pace with digital development is yet another hurdle for the application of revised regulations. 1 out of 10 vessels are non-compliant in one form or another. For example, on the open seas currently, there are no regulations to penalise the use of heavy pollutant fuels on vessels.


The million dollar question is what is next? We started using human power, wind, coal and oil. Will it be hybrid power units, methanol, battery or Hydrogen?



Another question raised was – “is data the new fuel?” Obtaining data to further enhance safer operations with less emissions and controlled costs may just be the thing to save business and the planet!


What alternative energy source will make future shipping viable?


It costs to innovate. Bottom line, money must be made and saved with innovation.


Prevention and cure – Proactive disaster avoidance

1. Safety leader ship behaviors

  1. Developing self
  2. Developing others
  3. Collaborate as team
  4. Capital used to influence

2. Teamwork is one of the biggest contributors to problem avoidance in general operation

3. Managing failure – Manage rather than avoid

  1. Stop escalation into something serious
  2. Enable learning – from failure
  3. Stay vigilant and avoid complacency
  4. Safety culture is created by crew motivation, not the blame game.


To see real transformation in the commercial shipping industry, a continued dialogue between manufacturers, regulators and operators will allow for benefits extending beyond the bounds of the financial sector to the world at large.




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