A clear understanding of VDR regulations
All sea-going vessels must follow safety regulations. As a marine safety and navigation system manufacturer, we can help you understand exactly what your ship needs to comply with all maritime legislation.
Below are the official details from the IMO on Voyage Data Recorders. We understand that sometimes this legislation can be confusing. So we’ve helped you by translating this into simple, clear terms.
Current Regulations:
MSC.333(90), as amended by MSC.494(104) adopted on 7th October 2021
RECOMMENDS Governments to ensure that VDRs:
- If installed on or after 1st July 2022, conform to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annexe to the present resolution; and
- If installed before 1st July 2022, conform to performance standards not inferior to those specified in MSC.333(90).
NOTE! S-VDRs replaced on or after 1st July 2022, are to be approved to IMO Resolution MSC.163(78), as amended by resolution MSC.214(81) and MSC.493(104)
IMO Resolution MSC.471(101) adopted on 14th June 2019
RECOMMENDS that Member States ensure that float-free EPIRBs operating on the frequency 406 MHz, which form part of the GMDSS, that vessels under SOLAS regulations will have to fit a Float Free Capsule with an EPIRB that has an internal AIS locating signal and an internal GNSS receiver, along with the 406MHz and 121.5MHz transmitters.
- If installed on or after 1st July 2022, conform to performance standards and type-approval standards not inferior to those specified in the annexe to the present resolution;
- If installed before 1st July 2022, conform to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annexe to resolution A.810(19), as amended by resolutions MSC.56(66) and MSC.120(74), and type-approval standards not inferior to those specified in resolution A.696(17);
I.e. Existing Float Free Capsules; if they can be maintained for SBM, they will continue to be accepted.
Now let’s translate that!
The VDR system will comprise both a fixed capsule and a float-free capsule.
Both the fixed capsule and the float-free capsule must be capable of recording a minimum of 48 hours.
The Ultrasonic Location Beacon (ULB) is required to last for a minimum of 90 days.
A Long Term Recording Medium (LTRM) must be capable of recording for a minimum of 30 days.
Record Both X-band and S-Band RADAR.
Record Master and Backup ECDIS (where the image is available as a Video signal or IEC61162-450).
Give caution* when any of the monitored data is not present.
Give caution* when any hardware fault is detected.
Download facility via a common standard, i.e. LAN or USB.
Status output for the BAM (Bridge Alarm Management System)
* A caution is a visual indication which does not require user interaction, but when the caution is rectified, it must automatically revert to normal status. *
Here’s a table to simplify things even more.
Data items to be recorded | S-VDR | Old VDRs | VDRs | |
Date and time | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Ship’s position | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Speed Over the Ground | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Speed Through the Water | ** | Yes | Yes | |
Heading | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Bridge audio | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Communication audio | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
RADAR image & track data (Post-display Selection) | * | Yes | Yes | (Both X-Band & S-Band RADAR) |
ECDIS image & chart data (Post-display Selection) | No | No | Yes | (Only if the suitable output is available) |
Echo sounder | ** | Yes | Yes | |
Main Alarms | ** | Yes | Yes | |
Rudder’s order and response | ** | Yes | Yes | |
Engine and Thruster order and response | ** | Yes | Yes | |
Hull opening (doors) status | ** | Yes | Yes | |
Watertight and fire door status | ** | Yes | Yes | |
Acceleration and hull stresses | ** | Yes | Yes | |
Wind speed and direction | * | Yes | Yes | |
AIS | ** | Yes | Yes | |
Electronic inclinometer | ** | ** | ** | |
Configuration Data | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Electronic Logbook | ** | ** | ** | |
Fixed Capsule (12 Hours minimum) | *** | Yes | Yes | (48 Hours minimum) |
Float Free Capsule (12 Hours minimum) | *** | N/A | Yes | (48 Hours minimum) |
Long-Term Recording Medium | N/A | N/A | Yes | (30 Days minimum) |
Save the last 12 Hours facility | Yes | Yes | N/A | |
Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) | 30 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days | |
* Only if a COTS interface from the RADAR manufacturer is available. Else, AIS is acceptable. | ||||
** Only if fitted and is known as NMEA (IEC61162-1 or IEC61162-2) | ||||
*** Note the S-VDR has the option of either the Fixed or the Float Free Capsule |
Click HERE to learn more about the AMI Marine X2 VDR & S-VDR.
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